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  • update log


    • Modified some of the issues that occurred
    • Compatibility of Adjusted CSS
    • Added some icons
    • We plan to refactor some functional components, and there may be some unknown issues during the testing phase


    • Adjusted the display of some icons
    • Fixed an error in the date component
    • Optimization of admin page
    • Updated many outdated issues in admin
    • Added some icons
    • Revised Help Center documentation
    • Solved some syntax issues in JavaScript
    • Updated major versions of the editor


    • Added the function of copying by selecting
    • Modified some definitions in the backend
    • Added screen recording function, we will continue to observe its stability in the future
    • Updated the switch version and adjusted the corresponding code
    • Rewrote the rate component
    • Fixed some errors in the table
    • Modified some errors in drop
    • Some components have been optimized
    • Upgraded many versions of external components, no compatibility issues have been found yet


    • Added some commonly used icons
    • Modify the shadows to physical shadows, and the shadows in gradient images will now be more natural
    • Modified the icon generation rules for flods
    • Adjusted icon rules for buttons
    • Many detailed adjustments have been made to the CSS components
    • Fixed reference errors in editor
    • Modified the rules on the right side of pop, and also modified the association method of pop, changing from the previous class to pop mode
    • Added the note component, which is too commonly used, so we must create it
    • Added parameter passing to regular alerts, now it can be used for action execution
    • Modified the functionality of the table, now using the th tag to fix the columns on the left


    • Optimized and upgraded the editor
    • Upgraded Jquery component
    • Upgraded the switch component
    • Reorganized admin and updated some new methods
    • Unified replacement of title positions
    • Fixed some issues in chat
    • We have cancelled the global transition, which is crucial because the bloated code has caused performance issues, and now the uigg response is more agile
    • Reconstructed random components
    • Reconstructed notify components
    • Reconstructed tip components
    • Added alert component, and you can use it as confirm
    • Modified a large number of help documents


    • Redesigned the working logic of the editor, which is now more convenient
    • Optimized the icon library, fixed several incorrect names, and updated the figma library
    • Many details of admin have been optimized. Note that it may no longer be compatible with older versions
    • Reconstructed scaler, and now it's more powerful
    • Optimized the way of thinking for a large number of CSS
    • After several versions of testing, we decided to remove anime.js and swiper.js from the basic component and load them on demand instead
    • The login interface has been revamped and made more practical
    • The notify component has been refactored to resolve some historical errors
    • The horn component has been added, and we will continue to pay attention to its usage effects in the future
    • Corrected issues with left and right alignment of some components, and now uses a new method that warns that it may not be compatible with older versions
    • Fixed an error with random content and now reduces the number of requests by half
    • Fixed a problem with simultaneous alignment of multiple tips
    • The issue of blank random titles has now been resolved
    • Our re architected multi language component can now have an infinite subset in json
    • A new load method is used


    • We have designed a large number of icos, and now there are 1600
    • We created an editor based on tny, and re-manufactured the appearance and upload components for the editor. However, only php is supported at present. We will pay attention to the working status of this component in the future, and hope to complete the upload components in other languages in the future
    • Fixed some typographical problems
    • Handled the error that pop cannot be right-aligned
    • Solved some problems that may cause conflicts in basic layout
    • In the absolute positioning function, the center class is added
    • The form has repaired some things
    • The random function has been redesigned. Now they are called uigg components, and their use methods are completely different
    • Updated help documents


    • Modified some application errors in chat
    • The function of clue is added. When you use title in the dom tree, the component will be automatically converted to clue
    • Rewrite the structure of fold. Now it is easier to control
    • A new component: reminder has been added. We will continue to observe its performance in the future
    • The swiper component has been upgraded to version 9. Please note that this version has updated many things. You can go to the swiper for details
    • A large number of JS parts have been reorganized
    • The properties of the corresponding CSS have been adjusted, which may not be compatible with the old version
    • Added and deleted some help documents


    • The CDN resource is temporarily cancelled because we found that it is not fast enough in China
    • Updated admin form
    • Re planned the demo structure
    • Modified the problem that the form icon cannot be changed with CSS
    • Reconstructed the hop because its arrow indication is incorrect
    • The moz compatible code has been deleted. We only need to support the mainstream
    • Added several nice network fonts
    • We believe that the form still fails to meet expectations and will be modified in the future. Please use it with caution


    • Added a lot of interesting icons
    • Added multilingual plug-ins, of course, all of which are translated manually
    • Corrected some previous errors
    • Re debugged the correlation between plug-ins
    • Optimize the performance of some JS


    • We have stripped ICO from UIGG. Now ICO has become an independent component, which is loaded by default. If you no longer need it, you can uninstall it at any time to speed up the project
    • The LESS has been removed. Its utilization rate is too low. We will look for more suitable solutions in the future
    • The JS part has been reorganized. Although it is only reduced by 50KB, it is significant
    • Corrected an error in the swiper
    • Following the framework, admin has also been updated
    • Chat has modified some possible bugs, but it is still a beta version
    • Added cookie component
    • Added crumb component
    • Added step component
    • Updated help documents
    • Added an animation effect and updated the animation demo


    • Added some commonly used ICO
    • Modified several ICO with incorrect names, If you are using them, please check the name again
    • Fixed several errors in the control
    • Updated help documents
    • Fixed some details in CSS


    • The version of jQuery has been updated. It's good to see that jQuery continues to maintain
    • The updated version of swiper has added many interesting features. Please visit the official website of swiper
    • A lot of icons that don't look perfect have been modified
    • Some conflicts of components have been modified
    • Updated the version of less
    • Updated XD template file
    • Public resources are all changed to NPM servers, and the CDN of jsdelivr is used
    • Many people suggest using the old version of page turning. We are still thinking about whether to roll back this part. If you have better suggestions, please contact us


    • Many common icons have been added
    • Modified some JS
    • Fixed an error in rate
    • Specifies some CSS values


    • Fixed several display errors in admin
    • The representation of shadow has been modified. Now it is displayed as after and is no longer an independent DOM
    • Fixed several old wounds in the help document
    • Reinvented fold
    • Add an automatic function to notify
    • Adjusted some CSS definitions


    • Added many popular ico
    • The page turning component is reconstructed
    • Updated admin related pages
    • Removed the JS related to the button, we think they are outdated
    • Added some definitions to disable selection
    • Update the swiper component and modify the corresponding JS
    • The rate and music components have been modified, and now they are better used
    • A new component called fold is added. You can try what it can do
    • We have rewritten the copy component, which is now more efficient
    • Some CSS has been modified to solve some uncommon small problems


    • Some commonly used ico are added
    • Fixed some wrong ico
    • Added several webfont
    • Deleted redundant startup files
    • Uigg released the first npm version, but only the package, Now you can install it through "npm i uigg"
    • Some default definitions have been updated
    • A chat standard template has been added, but it is only a preview version. We will improve it later


    • Reset the block level form of the button
    • Many admin styles have been modified
    • Fixed some shortcomings of uigg style
    • Many help document pages have been updated
    • Admin is still in the testing period. Now he can only work under PHP


    • Redesigned a large number of uigg ico
    • Modified a small amount of JS
    • Optimized some CSS definitions
    • Fixed some known errors


    • Added hop component
    • Some properties of button have been modified
    • Modified the button of scaler
    • Rewritten part of JS
    • Updated admin
    • Updated uigg ico


    • A large number of rules have been modified
    • The admin management system has been slightly updated, but please note that admin is still a beta version
    • Updated uigg ico
    • The working principle of some JS code has been fixed
    • Adjusted the font of uigg
    • Add notify to uigg, which is a cool notification application
    • Fixed some wrong definitions
    • Some definitions of experiments are added


    • Rewriting a lot of code to adapt to the new industry
    • We have designed a new icon library for UIGG, and has been added for use
    • Removed Google material icons
    • Refactoring some JavaScript
    • Module with rate added
    • Added web font
    • Updated some styles and definitions of swiper
    • We have written more cool CSS animation for UIGG, and it is more efficient and concise
    • Removed animated.css
    • Added a function to separate the text, we call it alone
    • Removed the previously attached image, and now it has become an external plug-in
    • We wrote some standard examples of buttons
    • Drop is added, and we will gradually optimize it later, and finally replace select
    • After the ume project becomes UIGG, it is no longer compatible with each other
    • UIGG is no longer compatible with any IE version


    • The tweetmax library test is over, It is no longer suitable for ume, so we choose anime.js As the main animation framework of ume
    • Upgraded less to be compatible with scrollrevolutionary
    • Upgraded scrollreveal
    • Upgraded swiper, The reference name of swiper is modified
    • Upgraded animate.css, new animate.css class name of the call has been modified. You can't upgrade it directly. However, we use the old version of the class method. As before, we may give up this method in the future
    • Rewrite the upload method in the form
    • We have added a lot of mixed mode methods, but these are still in the experiment
    • We have added the class name of quick location, now you can freely control your element location in HTML
    • A lot of details have been modified. If you upgrade the old version, please compare the results in detail


    • The tweetmax library was deleted because it was too complex to be our original intention
    • We optimized iconfont and updated the version, but the format returned to woff because of the annoying IE
    • Material icons has changed some rules and referenced classes, which are now more intuitive and concise
    • Some commonly used color icons are added to make up for the lack of material icons, including language, organization, and pay. We will continue to increase in the future
    • Optimized the color preset, removed the stroke color, increased white transparency and black transparency
    • Several examples have been added to the demo
    • Added scrollreveal, Make the interface more dynamic
    • Swiper has been upgraded and its style has been deeply optimized. However, this version no longer supports IE. to be compatible with IE, please use swiper5
    • Re optimized video, pictures and other resources
    • Fixed a lot of details to solve some common problems


    • Temporarily removed zepto.min.js, Because of compatibility
    • Fixed known compatibility issues
    • No more checkbox and radio, Because it uses a cooler way
    • Updated the code for admin
    • The form has been re optimized
    • Some old naming methods have been changed, which is very important


    • Cleared all code compatible with older IE
    • Some basic frames have been adjusted
    • Add the tweenmax library, and now you can use ume to develop games
    • Welcome to the first internal test version of admin, please be careful to use it for formal projects
    • Updated supporting pictures, videos, music and other materials
    • The demonstration code is written for some modules
    • Added color query and icon query
    • Restored some settings beyond the principle


    • Modified the alignment class of float
    • Added bottom menu of mobile phone
    • Standardized the structure of the pop window
    • Added tab switching
    • Added specification of menu
    • Added six examples of swiper
    • Added example of title
    • Added visual listing of materialsicons


    • Add swiper.animate.min.js make the swiper more beautiful
    • The use scenario of mobile terminal is reconstructed
    • Preset many mobile settings
    • Removed many expired methods
    • Aadd zepto.js JS library for mobile terminal
    • Add video demo and music demo and photo demo
    • Add materialIcons as icon library of ume


    • Updated versions of various plug-ins
    • TModified Location Logic
    • Style of adjusted scrollbars


    • The name of the project is changed from mreset to ume
    • The definition of some elements has been added
    • In addition to several style problems on IOS


    • Add hover.css rich dynamic trigger
    • Update the html for hover
    • To modify a in Apple computer error
    • Update the other details


    • Update the less version
    • Update the jquery version
    • Update the respond version
    • Update the html5shiv version
    • Add jquery 1.11.1 support Internet Explorer 6/7/8, but not write in html
    • Remove the input padding on a mobile device error


    • Update the less JS version
    • Add animate.min.css
    • Modify the animate.min.css connection
    • Remove the eggs
    • Adjust the logical sequence of CSS
    • Adjust for JS sequence


    • Update some rules
    • Delete the weblit input style, especially IOS, very ugly
    • Update the default HTML
    • Delete '.Major' this obscure label


    • Update the less JS version
    • The addition of animate, used to dynamic effect rich page
    • Add an egg in style.less
    • To revise some globally defined logic
    • Add Microsoft desktop box


    • Basic deployment
    • Add less support
    • Add jquery support
    • Add the IE version compatibility
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